Download internet explorer 8 for mac
Reader comments How to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer or a PC. Log In to Comment Register. Sort by Date Sort by Rating jugomega. Great tip, thank you very much! Thank you so much for saving me from installing Parallels for download internet explorer 8 for mac one IE website!!!
Posted via the iMore App for Android. You sure know your business Serenity. Thank you for the tip. D Sent from the iMore App. Android Central WindowsCentral iMore CrackBerry Connectedly TeslaCentral VRHeads MrMobile Modern Dad.
I noticed Parallells is something that has to be bought. Is that true for VMWare Fusion as well? I don't want to get into something that will give me viruses so I want to clarify first. Both are legitimate and reliable programs, but both need to be purchased before you can run them.
Then change the User Agent to Internet Explorer 10 and reload the page. This experiment proves you don't need Flash to use Pandora in Safari and that the HTML folks at pandora. Never thought such option is built into Safari for Mac This tip closes that gap. Is active x usable on a mac? Health insurance websites I work with require I and use active x. It's the main thing keeping me from a mac. Sadly, the plugin is outdated and won't run on a Mac, but you can install virtualization software like Parallels or VMWare's Fusion or dual-boot your computer to download internet explorer 8 for mac the same effect.
That said, there are still a few websites stuck in the dark ages for one reason or another, requiring Internet Explorer which has been since discontinued for the Mac or a Windows PC.
Skip to main content. Shop New iPad Pro New iMac New MacBook Pro Shop: No problem How to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer or a PC By Serenity Caldwell Monday, Dec 15, at 6: It was a dark day for the rebellion. Click on the Advanced tab. Check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" setting. The Develop menu should now show in your menu bar. If you need to pretend you're using Internet Explorer, choose one of the Internet Explorer options.
Download internet explorer 8 for mac in or Sign up. Mobile Nations M Consumers Reached Yearly. Copyright Mobile Nations Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Careers: Writer Dev Licensing External Links Disclosure Advertising Partner.
Thankfully, that age is over and gone: The Web is largely bedrocked on HTML and CSS now, with only the occasional need for a plugin — and all the major ones are Mac-compatible.
But you can get around most of these arbitrary restrictions with my favorite hidden menu in Safari: Doing so should get you through the website's detection-checker. This emulator is bullshit, at least it doesn't emulate ie11 correctly I might be wrong because the only ie11 I can compare to is a virtual boxed one, but I'm pretty sure this is bullshit. Do you have answers for how to activate this menu? Yes, I normally don't use IE and trying to keep away from the sites that work on IE only.
Funny that Apple bullied out Flash for HTML5, yet their own website doesn't utilize it for video. Not to mention they just this year, at the iPhone announcement FINALLY made apple.
Didn't know this problem. Although it didn't helps since I have a realy old tool to use in ie. Guess I have to install Parallels and Windows - again back to the stoneage: The other side of browser bs- Chrome in windows no longer supports plugins. Can't watch QuickTime videos on Apple's site. If it works for you then your Chrome is out of date, or you are a wizard.
By Serenity Caldwell Monday, Dec 15, at 6: Once upon a time, the Mac and the Internet did not always get along. Most of the time, Mac users were stuck using browsers one or two versions download internet explorer 8 for mac their Windows counterparts, with no access to download internet explorer 8 for mac plug-ins essential to browsing various parts of the Web.
I can also remove Chrome and Firefix from my dock which I only had there to handle sites not liking Safari. Maybe I can even deinstall them now State of Alabama's judicial system's programs are optimized for IE 7 and barely work on anything else.
Anyone been able to run ActiveX content yet using User Agent IE7? I get the same problem. Everything is grayed out. I am having the same problem. Trying to log onto a site which recommends using Explorer. If it needs IE, the people running the site are morons and I'd rather not stay for the trip. Sent from the iMore App. I wasn't aware such websites existed any longer. That was a hidden gem! Fun experiment for folks doing this requires flash not be installed Excellent and useful tip, Serenity.
Serenity, this is such a cool tip. I've always thought as a user that I should just ignore that Developer download internet explorer 8 for mac in Safari I now have it turned on and will be ready for sites that never seem to run properly in Safari.
Of course they are also using computers with Windows XP if that tells you anything. Makes my day miserable having to use parallels. They're everywhere if you're in a government job or have to interact with any sort of old-school security. People without the budgets to conduct studies that say that X browser is also safe download internet explorer 8 for mac usable without fear of hacking or the budgets to recode ancient sites designed for IE three versions ago.
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