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After you buy a song, album, movie, or TV show from the iTunes Store, your download might stop unexpectedly because of one of these issues:. If you're a member of Apple Music, get help with iCloud Music Library instead. If you rented a movie, learn more about streaming and downloading rentals. On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. On a Mac or PC. If you can't complete the download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, download it in iTunes on your Mac or PC.
After you buy a song, album, movie, or TV show from the iTunes Store, your download might stop unexpectedly because of one of these issues: Your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or computer restarted during a download. Your Internet connection was too slow.
Find the item that you want to restart, and tap the blue download arrow. If you still can't restart your downloads, get more help. On a Mac or PC Open iTunes. Enter your password, then press the Return or Enter key on your keyboard, or click View Account. Your downloads restart automatically. Get more help If you still can't restart your downloads, try the steps below: Also, check for and install any firmware updates for your Wi-Fi download itunes movies to ipad. Learn what to do if you can't connect to the iTunes Store.
Learn more Learn download itunes movies to ipad to redownload music, movies, and TV shows. Learn how to turn on Automatic Downloads. Learn more about iTunes for Windows connectivity tests. Thanks - please download itunes movies to ipad us how to help you better. More ways to shop: Visit an Apple Storecall MY-APPLE, or find a reseller. Privacy Policy Terms of Use Sales and Refunds Site Map Contact Apple.
Apple download itunes movies to ipad no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Risks are inherent in the use of the Internet. Contact the vendor for additional information. Other company and product names may be trademarks download itunes movies to ipad their respective owners. Open Menu Close Menu Apple Shopping Bag Apple Mac iPad iPhone Watch TV Music Support Search apple.
Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products.
Another application, such as third-party security software or a firewall, blocked the download. Restart your download On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch On a Mac or PC. On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Open the iTunes Store app. You won't see Downloads unless you have items available to download or active or paused downloads.
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