
Download internet explorer 11 desktop

Click Check for updates. Wait for download internet explorer 11 desktop updates to finish installing. Once you see "Your device is up to date" displayed at the top of the page, your Microsoft Edge browser has been updated. Why I can't open some websites using Internet Explorer 11, but if I use Chrome I can open them? Not Helpful 3 Helpful 1. How do I turn off ActiveX filtering in Internet Explorer? From the menu bar, select "Tools" and then uncheck ActiveX filtering, or from the "Options" menu, select "Safety" and then uncheck ActiveX Filtering.

Community Download internet explorer 11 desktop Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas Go to the Internet Explorer 11 download page at https: In a web browser, go to Microsoft's Internet Explorer 11 download page.

This wikiHow teaches you how to update your Microsoft Internet Download internet explorer 11 desktop browser. Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Explorer ending with Internet Explorer 11 and cannot be upgraded past version Internet Explorer 11 is only available for Windows 7, Windows 8.

Never download Internet Explorer from anywhere other than an official Microsoft site. Edit Related wikiHows WH. Internet Explorer In other languages: Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1, times.

The Windows 7 setup file will work on Windows 8. If you don't know your computer's bit number e. Double-click the Internet Explorer setup icon. It's most likely on your desktop. Click Yes when prompted. Doing so will take you to the Internet Explorer 11 installation window. Follow the on-screen instructions. This will consist of agreeing to Microsoft's terms of use by clicking I agree and then clicking Nextas well as selecting an install location and determining whether or not you want a desktop shortcut.

Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Microsoft Edge is Internet Explorer's successor on Windows 10 platforms. Warnings Despite the Creator update for Windows 10 platforms, Internet Explorer is still considered a vulnerable browser. Refrain from using it unless you have no other choice.

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It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. Doing so will finish the Internet Explorer 11 installation process. It's a blue "e" icon. You can find it by typing "Internet Explorer" into Start. This icon is in the top-right corner of the Internet Explorer download internet explorer 11 desktop. Click About Internet Explorer. It's toward the bottom of the drop-down menu. Check the "Install new versions automatically" box. It's in the middle of the About Internet Explorer window. It's at the bottom of the About Internet Explorer window.

All text shared under a Creative Commons License. Help answer questions Start your very own article today.

Internet Explorer will update automatically from this point on. Close Microsoft Edge if it's open. If an update for Edge is available, Edge will need to be closed in order for the process to complete. It's in the lower-left corner of the Start window. Doing so will open the Settings page. You'll see this option download internet explorer 11 desktop the bottom of the Settings page.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. You could redownload it or go into settings and check for updates. I don't download internet explorer 11 desktop to update my windows, How to update Internet Explorer Version? Answer this question Flag as How do I get Windows 7 Pro to update after my PC was unplugged for a few years? It searches for updates and nothing more even when I leave it running all night.

Scroll down to your preferred language. You'll see a list of languages on the left side of the page. Click your operating system. You'll see your computer's operating system to the right of your selected language. Clicking this link will prompt the setup file to begin downloading to your PC.

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