
Download java for chrome

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I understood asking for a 'product recommendation' as asking 'What download java for chrome the best browser to use' and such. They should have been close voted as well.

Where to download the last Chrome version with Java NPAPI support? ChrisW 55 1 6. I'm new here, so I would appreciate a short comment for the reason of the downvotes.

The last stable release of Chrome 44 would be As Chrome is no longer availabe from any official sources, the alternative is to look for the last Download java for chrome 44 release in the continuous builds archive. Chromium will not auto-update, thus this will keep on working albeit without any security updates, so use at your own risk better in a VM. Chrome 44 is much harder to locate than Chromium. One way is to search for googlechrome. File Hippo lists previous versions with the correct MD5 hashes, but always links to the latest official one.

Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

I do not understand the policy of Google in this regard. In researching this, the top hit on Google for 'Chrome 45 Java' does not answer the issue at all: Other links only recommend to switch browsers. Download java for chrome the StackExchange sites, I could not find this particular question or a download link to Chrome The reason for asking this here, is to help users or web developers, who may be looking for download java for chrome same thing and to possibly find a download source similar to the Firefox archive.

Do you believe the question has been download java for chrome before or is it lacking research or relevance? Is there some way to improve the question? Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic. Thanks for giving that insight, David. I suppose you could interpret the rules in that way. It's not that clear though, as other, similar questions were upvoted such as Where can I find really old versions of Firefox?

So I'm looking for a quick workaround to temporarily run the old version of Chrome side-by-side with the current version. From my experience with Firefox, I am able to do this without jumping through lots of hoops, as Firefox makes all old versions available for download!

You might want to try Slimjet which is built on top of Chromium but continues the support of Java. Check out this link: If you sign into your gmail account, syncing your bookmarks from Chrome into Slimjet is just one click away. The direct links are: Open a download java for chrome tab and enter chrome: Please vote this post up if this helps.

The Google Chrome browser version 45 completely dropped support for NPAPI in September This means plugins for Java, Silverlight, Facebook Video and other similar NPAPI based plugins will no longer run in Chrome. My reason for the question is that a web-app, which requires Flash and Java, suddenly stopped working.

This information still helps, as the MD5 can be used to find out, if an unofficial source has the original file. Here is one such file with Chrome You can download the last stable version of CHROME mentioned above Chrome v It was provided in the Google Forums at https: I downloaded it so I too could re-enable Flash, Java, and NPAPI plugins. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

Note that the first of those links is a 6 year old question and what is download java for chrome as on-topic has changed over the years. Please don't assume that something that was considered on topic a long time ago would still be on topic if posted today. In addition, off topic questions do get upvoted people think they are usefulbut that doesn't magically make them on topic.

Responses on “Download java for chrome”

  1. monsuc1984kr Writes:
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  2. tokikichiku Writes:
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