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Cracking the [Download Helper] Code My problem: The Download Helper Codes--what do they mean? I run Windows 7 Professional, fully updated, and use the Firefox Browser, I have DownloadHelper 4. When I download a video there are sometimes choices, sometimes more than 10, of which "version" to download. For example, this video https: Yes, I surf the Hallyu Wave. What I don't understand are the codes in the bracketsp, HQ82, etc. Now, I'm not lazy: I've searched the Download Helper website, http: I can find nothing.
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Using Bing and google I've searched for, for example, [HQ82], again finding nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Can anyone get me started in the right direction? Little p stands for progressive not interlaced and the number in front of those is download helper firefox registration code lines of resolution, 4K is lines of vertical resolution twice I'm not familiar with HQ.
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