
Download kik for android

Tap the green "Register" button to create your new Kik account. If you already have a Kik account, you can sign in to your account by following these steps:. Click the gray "Log In" button from the home page. Enter your screen name in the first field. Type your password in the second field. Click the green "Next" button to sign in. Upon signing in the first time, Kik will prompt you to find friends on the app through your Android device's address book.

Enter your first name in the first field. Enter your last name in the second field. Type your desired screen name in the third field. Enter your email address in the fourth field. Download kik for android your password and type download kik for android in the last field.

Click "Yes" to allow the app to access your address book and locate friends who also have Kik on their phones.

Next, you must accept download kik for android Kik terms of service and privacy policy in order to continue. Click "I Agree" to continue. We recommend you read these terms carefully before you accept them, as they spell out your rights to use the app, any liabilities you carry from use of the software, and how your data might be used. You can read the Kik Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at any time. Things You Should Know About the Kik Terms of Service Since I'm kind, I'll give you a few points from the terms of service and privacy policy that you probably should know up front.

Search download kik for android site GO. Updated October 19, Find Kik in the Play Store. Download kik for android the Kik Terms of Service. Create a Free Kik Account. How to Login to Kik on Your Android Device. Find Friends on Kik. Get the Most From Your Tech With Our Daily Download kik for android Email Address Sign Up. There was an error. Please enter a valid email address. How To Fix Buy Do More About Us Advertise Privacy Policy Careers Contact Terms of Use.

Before you can message friends with Kikyou must download the app to your Android device. Kik is an instant messaging app for mobile users that allows you to chat with other friends with the app installed to their device. In addition to sending and receiving IMs, users can also share photos, send YouTube videos, sketch and send images, search and forward images and Internet memes, and more. How to Download Kik on Android Devices Ready to install the app? Follow these easy steps to get started with your download:.

Kik does not sell customer information to third parties, according to Section 3. You are now ready to create a new Kik account. Kik is free to use and requires a brief application to sign in if you are a new user. To get started, click the blue "Create New Account," as illustrated download kik for android. How to Sign Up for Kik When prompted, follow these steps to get your new account:.

While download kik for android personal information won't be used without informing you first, anonymous statistical information can and will be used for analysis and reporting usage patterns, according to the terms of service and privacy policy.

This is not all inclusive, so read it to find out what is acceptable and what isn't on Kik. Your Information is Collected! Kik Messenger collects information about you and your mobile device, according to 2. Your Information Can Be Used!

Click the green "Install" button. Accept the app permissions, if prompted, by pressing "Accept. Kik System Requirements for Android Before you download Kik, ensure that your Android device supports this app or you will not be able to send messages with friends. Your phone or device must have:. Download Kik to Your Android Device Accept the Kik Terms of Service Create a Free Kik Account -or- How to Sign In to Kik with Your Existing Account Find Friends on Kik.

But, do not accept this as a substitute for reading the entire thing! You should read it in its entirety to be sure you understand your rights and responsibilities which come with using the Kik app. You Are Responsible for What You Post! Probably not surprising, but by using this app, you agree you have the right to share the content you are sending i.

Open your Google Play Store on your Android device. Click and search for "Kik" in the Play Store. Select the corresponding app.

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