
Download java in phone

Follow the on-screen prompts on your cell phone. Reboot the device after the installation is complete. Necie Reed began writing professionally in Her work appears online, focusing on topics about technology, software, video games and relationships.

Installing it on your cell phone gives you the ability to run games and other applications you can use for global chat, image viewing and various other things. Since many downloadable mobile apps run on Java, installing Java ME is a must for maximizing the entertainment capabilities of your cell phone.

Double-click the "My Documents" folder under your cell phone's storage space. Right-click within the folder and select "Paste" from the pop-up menu. Navigate to the "My Documents" folder on your cell phone. Double-tap the Java file you pasted into the folder to begin the installation process.

Java Micro Edition, also known as Java ME, is the mobile version of the Java Runtime Environment. Think of it as Java for a cell phone or other mobile and wireless devices. Like other popular Java platforms, Java ME can be download java in phone and installed free of charge.

Go to the Java ME Downloads page link in Resources and download the Java application to your desktop. Connect your mobile phone to your PC. This can be done using a USB cable, infrared or Bluetooth, depending on the type of cell phone you have. Right-click the download java in phone Java file and select "Copy" from the pop-up menu. Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of your desktop. Select "Computer" from the Start menu and then double-click your mobile device listed on the screen.

She also blogs and is the owner of a forum website. Reed earned her Bachelor of Science in download java in phone from Devry University and her Master of Business Administration in project management from Keller Graduate School. How to Install Download java in phone ME on a Cell Phone by Necie Reed. About the Author Necie Reed began writing professionally in Popular Articles How to Install Java on a Flash Drive How to Install the Latest Version of Java How to Install Java 7 How to Restore Java Back to My Computer How to Download Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.

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