
Download gta vice city enb series mod

This recompilation based on version 0. Motion blur effect still works incorrect, but i decide to let it be, later may be i find out what is wrong. SSAO now have several parameters, also allow to use ambient occlusion only without indirect lightning for better performance.

This version requires DX8 to DX9 convertor to run included in this download gta vice city enb series mod. Differs from previous version only by multisampling manual control antialiasingthere are two new parameters MultisampleCount, ForceMultisampling.

But be careful with setting MultisampleCount, incompatible values for game or videocard will result in crash. Effects for water and shadows not implemented in this version. Added new parameter UsePaletteTexture, now you can change color correction by custom bitmap image. Activated preset OcclusionQuality for high-end videocards.

Some problems with dissapearing and flickering of SSAO and soft shadows now solved. Terms of use Legal info Privacy policy.

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